How to order without creating an account in
Don't want to create an account, we have a solution for this. Ask me how? We have a special “Guest Checkout” option that you no need to create an account and start shopping. Browse a product and add to cart one by one, go to cart and proceed to checkout. Fill in the shipping details and select shipping methods, although it will take you to the payment method select the methods aspect of your choice PayPal or card options. If you have trouble with the payment method, there is another option “place order” our sales team will contact you. You will get order confirmation as well as confirmation mail.
Follow our instructions
Step 1: Start shopping without registering an account.
Step 2: To increase and decrease a quantity select as per your requirements.
Step 3: After all, adding quantity click “Add to cart”
Step 4: Notification will appear
Step 5: There will be a pop-up message do you like to “continue” or “view cart” select if you wish to continue shopping or you like to view cart for check out.
Step 6: Check your shopping cart and click proceed to checkout.
Step 7: Fill the shipping details.
Step 8: Fill the shipping details with zip code and phone number.
Step 9: Select the shipping method and click “next” to another page.
Step 10: Click “next” to another page.
Step 11: Select payment method.
Step 12: Trouble in payment methods, click “place order” our sales team will contact you.
Step 13: An order confirmation
Step 14: Order confirmations with details in your mail.